The game will install using Crossover, using the following recipe: Select an "unlisted app", select the setup.exe program from the installation folder, create a Windows7 bottle, at the fourth tab, add 'DirectX for modern games' and then begin the installation. Everything shoudl go smoothly from there on, but it might take a while. Start the game and get to the first checkpoint to generate an autosave. Quit the game and install the full v-1.42 Full Patch for Windows ; you can skip all the intermediary updates. You can installed 'saved games' to access all the maps. You can also install hires textures . This game is new enough to install without too much fuss. Just follow the HOWTOs. Download the Linux installer from [the very slow, but it's free!!] IdSoftware or from here (faster). There is a Linux update as well found here . Because it is older, the Linux version may present some installation issues on your system, so check out the Quake4 FAQ/HOW...
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