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Showing posts from December 2, 2023

VritualBox to the Rescue for Dual-Booting Linux and MS Windows

 VirtualBox came in handy in the past when a larger hard drive was added to a Series2 TiVo . Once again, it came in handy when installing Windows 10 on a drive already installed in a computer tower alongside Mageia9 and a few additional drives. There used to be a Win7 installation on /dev/sdb , but it crashed. MS Windows is notoriously known for assuming it is the only OS belonging on a machine and not playing well with  others. When Win7 was originally installed on this machine, it was installed on the only drive in the machine, then moved to /dev/sdb and Linux installed on /dev/sda . Of course, all the other drives could have been disconnected and Windows10 installed, but what's the fun in that? The above referenced TiVo procedure provided the inspiration. In modern versions of VirtualBox, it is possible to install the guest OS to a physical drive. The physical drive in this case is /dev/sdb , so the process is as follows: $ cd ~/VirtualBox\ VMs Create the .vmdk file that refer