WINE Version (The native Linux version is here .) Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory has always rocked as an on-line game. Trying to capitalize on their success with the online part of Return to Castle Wolfenstien, they developed an online component for RtCW and farmed out the single-player mode. Turns out, the SP mode sucked , so they ditched that and gave away the online game. The Game's PAK files remained proprietary (as always) and they released the source code for the game engine. The original release had a Linux version as well as Mac and Windows version and can still be downloaded from SplashDamage . The problem with the Linux version is that Linux changed sound subsystems (OSS, ALSA, PULSEAUDIO) and the sound component of the game is no longer compatible with a modern Linux. Wolf:ET debuted with a native Linux version that can still be installed, but there have been unofficial game engines that have upped the ante for the game. The original version is available f
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