Unreal Tournament 3 Arena , the successor to Unreal Tournament 2004, was intended to have a Linux release , but that was late arriving. The Linux installer is on DISC3. If you want to run the Linux installer, you have some lying to do. Mount UT3 DISC3 and change to that directory and ' sudo su ' to root. Then enter: # export SETUP_LIBC=glibc-2.1 # linux32 ./setup.sh Scroll through the license agreement and agree to it. Since you are running as root, you can install the game in /usr/local . If you want it installed only for your use, change the paths presented to you, like ~/games and ~/bin . Choose the base install and pass on the server install (unless you really want to install the server rather than the client ... but that's another post). Don't go wild and install all the optional drivers (maybe you have a Voodoo video card handy that you want to use, more old-school power to you). Just answer no to that stuff. Why? Why, indeed. Now you get to read the
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