While cleaning and re-arranging a storage closet, I came across several boxes of ancient 1.44MB floppy disks, some of which were labeled indicating they contained pictures I had taken using a now-ancient Sony Mavica digital camera (which I still have). I also have a Mitsumi D353FUE USB floppy drive I purchased years ago when floppy drives became old-fashioned. I wanted to save all the images to my hard drive, but what a labor-intensive task that started to be. The Mitsumi drive was showing as /dev/sdk (there are no partitions on a FAT12-formatted floppy disk), so I wrote a simple script that uses a directory named ~/floppy . #!/bin/sh # mkdir ~/floppy # mkdir ~/OLD_PICTURES # copy jpeg files from floppy disks from ~/floppy sudo mount /dev/sdk ~/floppy ls ~/floppy && echo "NOW COPYING FILES" sudo cp -p ~/floppy/* ~/OLD_PICTURES && sudo chmod +rw ~/OLD_PICTURES/* echo DONE COPYING sudo umount /dev/sdk rm -f ~/OLD_PICTURES/*.411 &&am
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