Once you start installing MS-Windows games in a Linux OS, you run into some difficulties. One is that sometimes your game has multiple CDs (This was before DVD drives were ubiquitous) and for whatever reason you cannot get the installer to allow you to eject the CD. Or you must fumble through six install CDs to install the game, plus patches and updates, plus search for no-cd cracks and hi-res textures or game mods. It's possible to place all that on a DVD to make our installation less painful. File Forums is a community that deals with creating game backups and CD/DVD Conversions. It's a friendly community with an easy registration and it offers a wealth of information about the nuts and bolts of how game installers work. Go ahead and join now so the following links will work for you. What we want for this discussion is the PC Games-CD/DVD Conversions forum. There, user Joe Forster has listed links for applications needed for editing the databases for game installers
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